To install the environnement and the related software and data, follow this procedure.
Install RNAspace environment
1. Create directories
First we recommand to create the following directories where you want to store RNAspace environnement:
- rnaspace_sources (code)
- rnaspace_softwares (related software)
- rnaspace_db (databases)
- rnaspace_genomes (genomes for comparative approach)
- rnaspace_workspace (users workspace)
2. Download environment
Access the RNAspace download page at
Download the latest version file in the rnaspace_sources directory.
In a terminal, go to the directory where the file is, then execute:
tar xzvf rnaspace-1.2.tar.gz
3. Install Linux packages
Install required software using Linux package distribution: Python 2.6,
Cherrypy (version 3.1.2), Cheetah (version 2.0.1).
Install related programs
Install them in rnaspace_softwares directory.4. Install blastall, bl2seq
Install the corresponding Linux package (blast2 package on Ubuntu 11.04 with blastall 2.2.21).
5. Install clustalw
Install the corresponding Linux package (clustalw package on Ubuntu 11.04 with clustalw 2.1).
6. Install Vienna RNA package
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace
or to download the software from the Vienna RNA site.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf ViennaRNA-1.8.4.tar.gz
cd ViennaRNA-1.8.4
Depending on your compiler, some errors can
occured. See faq for possible solution.
7. Install UNAFold
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the UNAFold site.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf unafold-3.8.tar.gz
cd unafold-3.8
Then modify the source code to avoid to use the environment variable UNAFOLDDAT not
suitable for running on a cluster.
So in src/energy.c file, replace the following lines (68 to 72):
if (!file && getenv("UNAFOLDDAT"))
buffer = xmalloc(strlen(getenv("UNAFOLDDAT")) + strlen(name) + 2);
strcpy(buffer, getenv("UNAFOLDDAT"));
if (!file)
buffer = xmalloc(strlen("<local path>/unafold-3.8/data") + strlen(name) + 2);
strcpy(buffer, "<local path>/unafold-3.8/data");
In src/extinction.h file, replace the following lines (10 to 14) :
if (!file && getenv("UNAFOLDDAT"))
buffer = xmalloc(strlen(getenv("UNAFOLDDAT")) + 16);
strcpy(buffer, getenv("UNAFOLDDAT"));
if (!file)
buffer = xmalloc(strlen("<local path>/unafold-3.8/data") + 16);
strcpy(buffer, "<local path>/unafold-3.8/data");
Finally compile the software.
8. Install RNAshapes
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the RNAshapes site.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf RNAshapes-2.1.6.tar.gz
cd RNAshapes-2.1.6
9. Install RNAz
RNAz is used for RNA predictions alignment and is then required even when
the comparative approach is not wished.
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the RNAz site.
RNAz requires g++ to compile.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf RNAz-1.0.tar.gz
cd RNAz-1.0
Install non-coding RNA gene finders
Homology search based gene finders
10. BLAST based (optional)
BLAST is yet installed.
RNA databases have to be installed.
Install Rfam
- Download the file Rfam.fasta.gz from the Rfam ftp site
- Extract and rename in Rfam_10.0.fasta:
gunzip Rfam.fasta.gz
mv Rfam.fasta Rfam_10.0.fasta
- Format the file so that it can be used by rnaspace:
cd rnaspace_sources/rnaspace/rnaspace/util/
./ -d Rfam_10.0 Rfam_10.0.fasta ../../../../rnaspace_db/
Note that we removed SSU_rRNA_5 from the fasta file to avoid excessive running time in particular with E. coli genome. You can download this file here.
We also make available Rfam 10.0 seed database. You can download this file here.
Install frnadb
- Download the file from the fRNAdb site
- Extract and rename the file
mv sequence.fasta fRNAdb_3.0.fasta
- Format the file
cd rnaspace_sources/rnaspace/rnaspace/util/
./ -d fRNAdb_3.0 fRNAdb_3.0.fasta ../../../../rnaspace_db/
NOTE: During the conversion of frnadb, some family names will be converted to the RFAM ones
according to the file rfam_families.txt. You can add some RFAM family ids in the file
excluded_families.txt to avoid the conversion of these ids.
Install miRBase
- Download the file hairpin.fa.gz from the miRBase site
- Unzip and rename the file
gunzip hairpin.fa.gz
mv hairpin.fa miRBase_13.0.fasta
- Format the file
cd rnaspace_sources/rnaspace/rnaspace/util/
./ -d miRBase_13.0 miRBase_13.0.fasta ../../../../rnaspace_db/
11. Install Darn (optional)
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the Darn site.
Darn requires the following programs: makedepend (xutils-dev Ubuntu package) , make, g++.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf darn-1.0.tar.gz
cd darn-1.0
In the file common.h, add the absolute path for costs.dat file
static const char costFile[] = "/save/rnaspace/rnaspace_softwares/darn-1.0/costs.dat";
Only to compile on a 64 bits computer, cd lib/ViennaLib, make clean, then return to darn-1.0 directory
12. Install ERPIN (optional)
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the ERPIN site.
ERPIN requires Perl.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf ErpinBatch.9.1.tar.gz
cd ErpinBatch.9.1
Modify paths in and
13. Install Infernal (optional)
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
to download the software from the Infernal site.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf infernal-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd infernal-1.0.2
It is also necessary to download the Rfam models:
the version tested in RNAspace or
from the Rfam site .
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
mkdir Rfam-10.0
python rnaspace/rnaspace/util/ Rfam-10.0/
rm rfam_list.txt rfam_families.txt (non useful to only run RNAspace)
Make a link to Rfam descriptors in the infernal directory
cd infernal-1.0.2
ln -s ../Rfam-10.0 Rfam
14. Install RNAmmer (optional)
In order to install RNAmmer you have to require a version on the RNAmmer site.
It is also necessary to download hmmer: the version tested in RNAspace or
from the hmmer site.
hmmer requires the following programs: perl, pour rnammer, gcc.
First the XML/ is required (can be found in libxml-simple-perl Ubuntu package).
Second, in a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf hmmer-2.3.2.tar.gz
cd hmmer-2.3.2
Finally install rnammer.
mkdir rnammer
cd rnammer
tar xzvf Rnammer-1,2,Linux.tar.gz
Into the rnammer file, edit $INSTALL_PATH and $HMMSEARCH_BINARY variables
Edit core-rnammer and delete twice « --cpu 1 »
15. Install tRNAscan-SE (optional)
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
download the software from the tRNAscan-SE site.
tRNAscan-SE requires gcc to compile.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf tRNAscan-SE-1.23.tar.gz
cd tRNAscan-SE-1.23
Modify paths in Makefile
BINDIR = <absolute path>rnaspace_softwares/bin
LIBDIR = <absolute path>rnaspace_softwares/lib
MANDIR = <absolute path>rnaspace_softwares/man
make install
Depending on your compiler, some errors can
occured. See faq for possible solution.
16. Install YASS based (optional)
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
download the software from the YASS site.
YASS requires gcc to compile.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf yass-1.14.tar.gz
cd yass-1.14
If the BLAST based gene finder has been installed, available databases are yet installed.
Comparative based approach (optional)
BLAST and RNAz are required and yet installed.
YASS is also required. See above desciption if the gene finder YASS based has not be installed.
17. Install arnica
It is possible to directly download the version tested in RNAspace
arnica requires the folowing programs: needle (EMBOSS package version 6.0.1), clustalw, perl (v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi), flex (version 2.5.4), yacc/bison (GNU Bison, version 2.3), make (GNU Make version 3.81), gcc (version 4.1.2).
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf arnica-0.31-sans-gmp-ni-mpfr.tar.gz
cd arnica-0.31
18. Install matt_ygraph
It is possible to directly download the version tested in RNAspace
matt_ygraph requires te following programs: flex, yacc/bison, make, gcc.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf matt_ygraph-1.022.tar.gz
cd matt_ygraph-1.022
19. Install genomes
Genomes for comparative analysis have to be structured following this structure:
The directory <genomes_dir> is specified in rnaspace.cfg configuration file.
To accelerate comparative analysis, it is recommended to mask coding regions, that is replace the nucleotides of the regions by ''N'. A Perl procedure is provided in the util directory to do so. Beware that .gbk files are required next to the .fna files to have the annotation of coding regions.
cd rnaspace_sources/rnaspace/rnaspace/util/
perl --indir /bank/ncbi/genomes --outdir /home/rnaspace/save/rnaspace_masked_genomes --except Eukaryotes --except Archaea --mode 0
ab initio approach
20. Install atypicalGC (optional)
Download the version tested in RNAspace
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
tar xzvf atypicalGC.tar.gz
Install visualization tool
21. Install required program/library for JBrowse
JBrowse is provided with RNAspace environment.
Just be sure that the following programs/librairies are available on your system or install them.
- Perl 5
- BioPerl (version 1.6)
- JSON (version 2)
- JSON::XS (optional, for speed)
22. Install CGview
It is possible to download the version tested in RNAspace or
download the software from the CGview site.
In a terminal, execute the following commands:
Configure the environment
23. Configure local files
Configuration have to be done only in .cfg files in the rnaspace_sources/rnaspace/cfg directory:
- cherrypy.cfg
- rnaspace.cfg
and in the subdirectory predictors for the installed gene finders:
- predictors/arnica.cfg
- predictors/atypicalgc.cfg
- predictors/blast.cfg
- predictors/blast_comp.cfg
- predictors/darn.conf.cfg
- predictors/erpin.cfg
- predictors/mattygraph.cfg
- predictors/rnammer.cfg
- predictors/rnaz.cfg
- predictors/trnascanse.cfg
- predictors/yass.cfg
- predictors/yass_comp.cfg
Launch the web site and/or use the environment in command line
Execute the following commands:
cd rnaspace/rnaspace