Frequently asked questions

Why do I not see the Help page when clicking on the help icon ?
The help page is opened only once, and reused. The display is changed when different items are required. When the page (may be a tab) is recalled, it is not always put at the foreground level.
To do so, you have to select it explicitly.

How long the results are kept on a web site ?
The duration is set as a parameter. For example, results are available during 14 days on the site.

Why the execution time of a gene finder with same parameterization could be quite different ?
The execution time is dependent on the charge of the server. You will be informed by mail when the execution is completed.

Why I cannot compile tRNAScan with the latest gcc ?
Using the latest gcc version a compilation error can occured while installing tRNAScan.
To fix it go in the "sqio.c" file and replace all the occurences of "getline" by "parseline". Then compile again, it should do the trick. See the bug tracker

Why I cannot compile ViennaRNA with the latest gcc ?
Using the latest gcc version a compilation error can occured while installing ViennaRNA.
To fix it go to the "RNAForesters/src/rnafuncs.cpp" file and add the line "#include <stdio.h>" at the top. Then compile again, it should do the trick. See the bug tracker